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Moscow, July 2009


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Mezhregyonalnaya Nerudnaya Companya – Competition Sponsor

The company has a history of more than 15 years of a successful work. Mezhregyonalnaya Nerudnaya Companya (MNC) is one of the leading suppliers of construction materials in Russia. The company decided to take a sponsorship part in “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” Competition.


Novatek Company – Competition Sponsor

The Novatek company, biggest undependable natural gas producer in Russia and second natural gas producer in Russia after OAO Gazprom, takes a sponsorship part in “Gold reserve of oil and gas” Competition.


Expert magazine – Primary media partner in press

“Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” Competition is supported by the national magazine Expert. It is one of the most powerful weekly analytical editions of Russia. The Expert editors will come out as the Competition Primary magazine.


Ask employee a question!

The participants and web-site visitors have a unique opportunity from May, 6th till June, 15th to ask questions to oil and gas companies regarding an employment. The answers of personnel departments will be published on the web-site of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. The best questions will be published in Neftegaz.ru magazine.


TV company NTV supports “Gold reserve of oil and gas”

Television company NTV, one of the most professional and popular TV channels in Russia, appeared to be an official media partner of the Project. A Steering Committee is pleased to inform that channel’s executives showed a great interest to “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” and took a decision to support the Project.


List of Academies Participating the Project appended

Three Universities from different Russian cities at once confirmed their willingness to participate in the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project.


Professor of South – Californian University to become a member of Expert Council

“Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project confirms its international status.


The rector of Gubkinsky University to head Expert Council

A .I. Vladimirov, the rector of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas by the name of I.M. Gubkin, expressed a high opinion regarding “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project.


New names in the Project nominations

The number of the Project participants grows day by day. There are new application forms. Students of different specializations send their inquiries. In connection with this the steering committee has made a decision to increase the number of nominations and some of them even change.


Interfax has become a general media partner of the Project.

Interfax International Information Services group has made a decision to collaborate with the steering committee and will provide a media support to the Project.


Novatech company is pleased to see the participants of the Project

Novatech, largest independent natural gas producer and second natural gas producer in Russia after OAO Gasprom, showed an interest to the unique “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project.

The potential employers of the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project have become more active along with coming spring. They can be easily understood – the competition is coming to a final stage and the participants have been proving more than once to be the best students of their academies.


“Gazprom dobycha Nadym” invites the “Gold reserve” finalists

The companies, that participate in the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project and are willing to employ best finalists of Russian and UIS oil and gas academies, become more and more forceful. Thus, in the nearest future one could meet the participant – graduate almost at any big oil field or in the Company’s office. The Gazprom’s subsidiary, one of the major gas monopolist extracting capacities, “Gazprom dobycha Nadym”, agreed to take part in the project and offered several vacancies. Considering the requirements the company listed for its future employees, the vast majority of current graduated could start working from now!


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