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Moscow, July 2009


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Ask employee a question!

News Archive

The participants and web-site visitors have a unique opportunity from May, 6th till June, 15th to ask questions to oil and gas companies regarding an employment. The answers of personnel departments will be published on the web-site of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. The best questions will be published in Neftegaz.ru magazine.


Following the results the Steering Committee will make up Academies rating, witch students took the most active part, and also companies who received more questions than others.

Send your questions to [email protected], indicating your personal data (full name, academy, telephone, participant or not, company you address question to). You may ask only one question to a certain interesting company.

Vote for student


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Телефон отдела по работе с участниками проекта  (495) 650-14-82

Телефон отдела по работе со спонсорами проекта  (495) 705-94-13