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Moscow, July 2009


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How to apply for the“Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009”
The participants should be graduates from any country, who specialize in oil, gas and related industries
There are two ways to apply:
-     to appear on the university list
-     to apply on your own
Both variants imply following the Information Proving Rules (see The Contest Operation Rules 2008-2009).
The Steering Committee has the right to ask the university to confirm the information provided.
Ways to Register:
1.     On-line registration on www.gr.neftegaz.ru
2.     Registration via post (“Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”, Office 806, Tverskaya St. 18, build.1, Moscow, Russia, 127006)
3.     Registration via e-mail ([email protected]) or fax (495) 650-14-82
Winning Candidates will be invited without entry fees to the Contest Awarding Ceremony, they will also be provided with 2 complimentary passes.

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Телефон отдела по работе с участниками проекта  (495) 650-14-82

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