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Moscow, July 2009


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Interfax has become a general media partner of the Project.

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Interfax International Information Services group has made a decision to collaborate with the steering committee and will provide a media support to the Project.


The participation of such a respectable mass media not only confirms the significance of the competition but requires a great responsibility from the participants because the whole Russia will get to know the winners of the “Gold reserve of oil and gas project 2008”.  There is going to be a very hot contest.

The Project participants build their future today, thus those who hasn’t yet registered on the web-site it’s high time to think the matter over. There is not much time left till the end of the registration. It’s about to finish at the end of May.  The best graduates still have chance to take part in the competition and win!

Our reference:
Interfax International Information Services Group makes professional media products and means of communication for taking decisions in politics and business. Those are political and economical news, stocks news, analytics, database, rankings, credit reports, services in the IR and disclosing information fields, press conferences organization and internet advertisement.
Since early 1990s, Interfax has been the main provider of up-to-date news from Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union and the most frequently quoted source of information on the region. Interfax International Information Services Group consists of national and regional branch news agencies, operating in whole Russia, former Soviet Union, China and in certain countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

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Телефон отдела по работе с участниками проекта  (495) 650-14-82

Телефон отдела по работе со спонсорами проекта  (495) 705-94-13