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Moscow, July 2009


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Novatech company is pleased to see the participants of the Project

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Novatech, largest independent natural gas producer and second natural gas producer in Russia after OAO Gasprom, showed an interest to the unique “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project.

The potential employers of the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project have become more active along with coming spring. They can be easily understood – the competition is coming to a final stage and the participants have been proving more than once to be the best students of their academies.

In a letter addressed to organizers it is said that the company is interested in applicants selection and attracting highly professional specialists from the graduates of Tumen State Oil and Gas University, Perm State Technical University and Tomsk State Polytechnic University. Note that our competition of highly professional specialists and applicants selection is full of graduates from above listed academies, respected and regarded amid both employees and school leavers. Taking into consideration the sizes of the company’s operations Novatech is ready to grant somewhere around 10 vacancies for the participants.

Thus, the country’s oil majors became the potentional employee. The participants have nothing but win!


Our reference:

Founded in 1994, the company is busy with exploration and refining of natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons and possesses 4.7bn barrels of proven resources of oil equivalent by the end of 2006. All deposits and license areas of OAO Navatech are located in Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous District of Russian Federation. Yamalo – Nenets Autonomous District proven to be biggest in natural gas production, it produces 90% of the whole production of natural gas in Russia and approximately 20% of worldly produces gas.     
There were 208mln barrels of equivalent, including 28 726mln cubic meters of natural gas and 2.5mln tones of liquid hydrocarbons, produced at three of our major deposits.       
A quick company growth was due to a successful development strategy and maintenance of a significant part of hydrocarbons and supporting low cost level. Our strategy is pointed at effective realization of our competitors’ advantages potential.

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