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Moscow, July 2009


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New names in the Project nominations

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The number of the Project participants grows day by day. There are new application forms. Students of different specializations send their inquiries. In connection with this the steering committee has made a decision to increase the number of nominations and some of them even change.


It’s nice to outline that at the moment the competition includes new specializations such as mechanical engineering, ecology etc. This is an additional opportunity for students to take part in the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project, to assay their strength and, possibly, win.

For more details please see http://gr.neftegaz.ru/content/view/6/4/  

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Телефон отдела по работе с участниками проекта  (495) 650-14-82

Телефон отдела по работе со спонсорами проекта  (495) 705-94-13