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Moscow, July 2009


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TV company NTV supports “Gold reserve of oil and gas”

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Television company NTV, one of the most professional and popular TV channels in Russia, appeared to be an official media partner of the Project. A Steering Committee is pleased to inform that channel’s executives showed a great interest to “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” and took a decision to support the Project.


Our reference:

NTV Television Company was founded in 1993. This is the only privately owned channel having a status of a Federal one.
The audience of NTV channel exceeds 120mn people. Apart from Russia, the channel broadcasts in the former Soviet Union countries, Western Europe, Middle East, USA and Canada.
The NTV is managed by a group of professional managers adequately following the market environment.
Annually the NTV’s work is awarded by Russian Academy of Television (TEFY).  Correspondents, analysts and anchormen, receive blue government and journalist ribbons.
NTV Television Company possesses a net of correspondent branches all over Russia, former Soviet Union as well as in New York, Berlin, London and Brussels.  

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