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Moscow, July 2009


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“Gazprom dobycha Nadym” invites the “Gold reserve” finalists

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The companies, that participate in the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project and are willing to employ best finalists of Russian and UIS oil and gas academies, become more and more forceful. Thus, in the nearest future one could meet the participant – graduate almost at any big oil field or in the Company’s office. The Gazprom’s subsidiary, one of the major gas monopolist extracting capacities, “Gazprom dobycha Nadym”, agreed to take part in the project and offered several vacancies. Considering the requirements the company listed for its future employees, the vast majority of current graduated could start working from now!


Our reference:

OOO “Gazprom dobycha Nadym ” operates on the territory of Yamalo -  Nenets Autonomous District in Nadymsky, Purovsky, Pryuralsky and Yamalsky districts. A total area of Nadymsky district makes up 110 thousand square km.  The district population, including rotation workers, makes 98 thousand people, 45 thousand live in the city. There are 12 villages on the territory of the district, including 3 national where there are more than 3 thousand of aboriginal inhabitants: nenets, hunts, muncies, komis, zyryanis.

Extraction and transportation of gas, oil, concrete goods production, maintenance of gas production and line equipment, maintenance of flowing plant facilities are the main production activities. The beginning of the enterprise development is connected with finding and development of the biggest gas field of the district – Medvezhye. December 1, 1971 there was a Nadymskoye gas producing department founded. This is the exact date that OOO “Gazprom dobycha Nadyms” starts its history with. Afterwards it has become a city-forming enterprise for Nadym city and a Pangody village.

Basic business areas of the enterprise are – production and preparation of gas, gas condensate, oil, geological survey works.  Generally, Nadymsky district makes more that 40% of gas production of OAO Gazprom. Annually OOO “Gazprom dobycha Nadym” produces more than 60bn cubic meters of natural gas.

OOO “Gazprom dobycha Nadym” includes 14 branches – 3 gas producing departments: Medvezhynsky and Yamalsky gas producing departments, Nadymsky oil and gas processing department, and specialized communication line divisions, divisions of technological connection, transport, supply, maintenance and production of non-standard equipment, health-service support, and cultural service.

At the moment there are 8 thousand employees work at OOO “Nadymgazprom”. Employees, their families, retired pensioners are provided with complex medical services, health improvement, sanatorium-and-spa treatment in sanatoriums and health resorts of Russia, far and near abroad.

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