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Moscow, July 2009


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Alma Mater of Vagit Alicperov joins the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008”

This day we would like to introduce you a new participant of the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. The news regarding the competition became well-known by a former capital of a Russian Empire - and nowadays a first-rate city of Azerbaijan – Baku.


Russian Federal Agency of Education supported the Contest

The first months of the Contest have passed quickly and the project has become more and more known in mass media, and that fact, that candidates are trying hard to become the most popular participant by Internet voting, proves that our project is very popular among Russian higher schools and young people.


Neftegaz.RU Business magazine tells about the best students

The third issue of the Neftegaz.RU Business magazine has been on sale since December 1.  Besides the news about interesting events of the petroleum and gas sector you can find there the information about the candidates of the contest “Golden reserves of oil and gas 2008”.


The Contest assumes international significance

“The authorities of Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas thanked the Information agency Neftegaz.RU for the invitation to take part in the 1st Annual Contest “Golden reserve of Oil and Gas 2008”, said Professor B. Orazbayev, quality and innovation deputy principal, PhD.


We’ve got new candidates

Tomsky Polytechnical University on behalf of V.Vlasov, the deputy principal of the scientific work and innovations, confirmed it was ready to take part in the contest of “Golden reserves of oil and gas- 2008”.


Ugra State University confirmed it agreed to take part in the contest of "Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008"

Ugra State University on behalf of its president Y.I. Reutov, director of the Institute of geology and oil and gas A.Galochkin and Geology Department chairman V.Isaev confirmed that they agreed to take part in the contest “Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008”.


Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation to support the contest "Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008"

Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation confirmed that it would support and participate in the contest.


О “Золотом резерве Нефтегаза 2008” знают во всей России!

Как говорят, добрая слава бежит впереди самого события. Прекрасный пример этому – конкурс “Золотой резерв Нефтегаза 2008”, который продолжает принимать заявки от студентов со всей России. Особенно отрадно признать, что о проекте узнают не только нефтегазовые ВУЗы, но и учебные заведения иной направленности.


Our first candidates

The warmly welcoming project “Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008” welcomed the first participants. At the beginning we got several application forms a week, now we get several new forms a day form young people who long for their future success and career.


Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ поддержит проект "Золотой резерв нефтегаза 2008"

Радостно отметить, что один из ключевых энергетических регионов мира - Ямал - гарантировал свою поддержку проекту "Золотой резерв нефтегаза 2008".


А ты принимаешь участие в конкурсе "Золотой резерв Нефтегаза 2008"?

Уникальный проект "Золотой резерв Нефтегаза 2008" набирает обороты. Пока ВУЗы один за другим пополняют географию конкурса, первые участники уже прошли регистрацию и, уже скоро комиссия рассмотрит их анкеты.



Новые участники

Декан горно-нефтяного факультета Пермского Государственного Технического Университета (ПГТУ) Кукьян Антон Александрович подтвердил заинтересованность в участии в конкурсе  «Золотой резерв нефтегаза - 2008» выпускников.


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