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Moscow, July 2009


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Russian Federal Agency of Education supported the Contest

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The first months of the Contest have passed quickly and the project has become more and more known in mass media, and that fact, that candidates are trying hard to become the most popular participant by Internet voting, proves that our project is very popular among Russian higher schools and young people.


And finally we got support from the Russia’s Federal Agency of Education. This is very important for us, because namely this regulatory body solves today’s issues of the education in our country, that is makes it more qualitative and competitive in the international market. In fact, the organizers of “Golden oil and gas reserve” pursued namely this objective, developing the idea of the contest.


In its letter the Federal agency of education confirmed its readiness to lend support to the project, and expressed hope that it could help the country’s oil and gas industry to find really the best alumni for the further success of the industry. 

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