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Moscow, July 2009


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Our first candidates

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The warmly welcoming project “Golden reserve of oil and gas 2008” welcomed the first participants. At the beginning we got several application forms a week, now we get several new forms a day form young people who long for their future success and career.


Among the candidates there are students of MGIMO, Universities of Tyumen, Arkhangelsk, Ufa and Perm. It should be noted that all the candidates have all chances to win. It’s interesting to notice, that the candidates speak not only English, but also German, French or Italian, and even Latin. Second, every candidate had some academic and social achievements. Some of then are members of students work teams, others are the leaders of their universities groups. The quality of their research papers are above the average. As for the interests, all the candidates are interested in oil and gas issues and politics. Many applicants note that they are interested in participating in the contest as it is the first event of this kind, and they are happy to be pioneers.

We wish them good luck! 

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