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Moscow, July 2009


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Alma Mater of Vagit Alicperov joins the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008”

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This day we would like to introduce you a new participant of the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. The news regarding the competition became well-known by a former capital of a Russian Empire - and nowadays a first-rate city of Azerbaijan – Baku.


Azerbaijan State Oil Academy (ASOA) confirmed its participation in the competition.

Note, that the particular academy appears to be one of the biggest in Commonwealth of Independent States among other specialized Institutions of Higher education. The fact that one of its graduators was a present Head of a first-rate independent oil Russian company Lukoil Vagit Alicperov shows the quality of its graduates.

Though then the Academy had other name – Azerbaijan Institute of Oil and Chemistry. An institution has a different name, but traditions remain the unchanged. Now as before the “oil” graduates of the Academy are demanded all over the world. The best ten students from ASOA join this unique project!

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