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Moscow, July 2009


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Neftegaz.RU Business magazine tells about the best students

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The third issue of the Neftegaz.RU Business magazine has been on sale since December 1.  Besides the news about interesting events of the petroleum and gas sector you can find there the information about the candidates of the contest “Golden reserves of oil and gas 2008”.


There you can learn the names of the first registered participants and the best students, and their academic achievements as well. These are Andrey Chernyshov from MIEP MGIMO, Ivan Shubin from Arkhangelsk State Technical University (Oil and Gas Institute), Oleg Tokarev (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University), Alexandra Dolgacheva (Perm State Technical University), Olesia Khafizova (Ufa State Oil and Gas Technical University).

Neftegaz.RU Business magazine will introduce other participants of the contest and tell about their achievements and plans.

This contest is unique because there will be no losers: all the participants are already the best students of their Universities, and after the contest they can have a chance to work for the best oil and gas companies of the country.


Vote for the best candidate on www.gr.neftegaz.ru !
There you can also find a lot of fresh and interesting details about the project.

Vote for student


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