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Moscow, July 2009


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Ukhta is eager to reiterate its successes


The graduates from Oil and Gas Faculty of Ukhta State Technical University will take part in the contest. Nikolai Ponomarev, Dean of the faculty, is going to be in Contest Advisory Council.


Moscow Institute of Economics (MIE) Move Its Students to “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”


MIE Administration recommended for the second time its best students to take part in the contest.
MIE highly estimated the level of the event and expressed commitment in the 2nd International Contest “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”.


Tumen will take part in the contest


Tumen State University of Oil and Gas (TumSUOG)expressed gratitude for organization and holding of “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2008”.
TumSUOG also confirmed its consent to take part in the 2nd contest “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas”.


Man liveth not by oil and gas alone


The Contest organizers continue to track down its winners career progress, as the main target of the Contest was prestigious job placement of its participants.



Oleg Ponomarev: “A lofty aim was laid out and the standard must be maintained”


A new year starts in the unique project “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”. That has made us look at our previous work by our experts’ eyes.



Azerbaijan confirmed its willingness to take part in the 2nd contest

Azerbaijani State Academy of Oil & Gas, in the person of its head – Mr. Garaev, confirmed its intention to take part in the 2nd International Contest “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas 2009”. Soon the best students of seven specialized faculties of the Academy will appear on the participants list.


The winner of “Best Graduate of Oil and Gas High School 2008” successfully starts his career


Sergey Onuchin, who won the prize in “Geological Survey” contest category, started his career as a geologist in “Gazprom Neft-Vostok”.


Career progress of “Golden Reserve of Oil &Gas” participants


Pavel Kalashnikov, the winner of “Design, Construction and Operation” contest category continued his education by post-graduate program of  Gubkin I.M. Russian State University of Oil and Gas.


It is time to announce a new contest – “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009”

Recently Neftegaz.RU has reviewed the results of the first unique international contest – “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2008”. Winners’ smiles, dozens of friends from different regions, solemn ceremony, Russian celebrities show – all is left behind leaving great impressions.


The Presidium of the Contest is headed by a Russian Minister of Energy

Russian Minister of Energy has taken a decision to head the Presidium of the International Contest “Golden oil and gas reserve 2008”. In a letter addressed to the Steering Committee, Sergey Ivanovich Shmatko agreed to be a chairman of the Contest Presidium and address with a speech at the Ceremonial awarding of the finalists.


TV channel Vesti – Competition INFO partner

The TV channel Vesti came out as an official INFO partner of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. It is the first and the only one Russian informative channel broadcasting 24 hours a day: world and Russian local news. Economical analytics and interviews with most powerful personalities.


The Ceremony will be taking place in July, 17 2008 at Ritz Carlton Moscow hotel

Due to a growing status of a Ceremony location hosting the Awarding Ceremony, the Ritz Carlton hotel supported as location for conducting the Ceremony.


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