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Moscow, July 2009


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It is time to announce a new contest – “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009”

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Recently Neftegaz.RU has reviewed the results of the first unique international contest – “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2008”. Winners’ smiles, dozens of friends from different regions, solemn ceremony, Russian celebrities show – all is left behind leaving great impressions.
Originally the contest was to be held annually, because Russia has always been rich in talented students. After al the difficulties of the first year development, “Golden Reserve” would like to find the best students and to help oil and gas companies get competitive employees. Now we can say that we will work on this task together with dozens of High Schools and leading Oil and Gas Companies in Russia and CIS.
Neftegaz.RU proposes that you will keep up with this unique project, so that in a year you’ll be able to say that you know oil and gas elite by your own sight. Besides, this year we are going to tell you about the last year winners. We also plan to attract more participants and will expand the number of companies the winners will be able to work for. You can find more details about the contest “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009” on www.gr.neftegaz.ru.


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