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Moscow, July 2009


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TV channel Vesti – Competition INFO partner

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The TV channel Vesti came out as an official INFO partner of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. It is the first and the only one Russian informative channel broadcasting 24 hours a day: world and Russian local news. Economical analytics and interviews with most powerful personalities.


The channel’s feature is a live broadcasting of most important uncut world events – economic forums, summit meetings, space launches. According to a data from Gallup today the audience of the television channel Vesti makes up around 50 million people only in Russia. 

Our reference:

First ever Russian non-stop informative channel Vesti is a member of the Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK). It’s a major corporation of state electronic mass media providing television, radio and internet broadcasting in all territorial subjects of Russian Federation. A broadcasting platform is provided by NTV+ satellite system, aerial channel frequencies and cable network of 85 Russian regions, satellite system Hot Bird, covering Europe and Near East and also biggest USA satellite system DirectTV.

Radio station Vesti FM started its broadcasting since February, 5th 2008. Major part of Vesti FM news broadcast consists of exclusive information, provided by a world correspondent net of VGTRK. The station doesn’t broadcast the news blocks as normally. In a mode of a continuous dialogue a radio host along with his studio colleagues discusses over the last events of economical, political and sport life in Russia and the rest of the world. Special attention during the TV channel Vesti and the radio station Vesti FM broadcasting is paid to economical information. Specially organized Unified economical center VGTRK makes most important news from world economy and financial market.

Web-site Vesti.Ru is considered to be major informative VGTRK internet project. In 2007 the project has become a totally multimedia web-site. The new version of the web-site contains most actual and interesting informative Vesti videos from Rossya, Vesti channels, regional GTRKs. There is also an option of watching Vesti live broadcast and listening to the radio station Vesti FM. Daily auditorium of Vesti internet site makes up more than 130 thousand of users.

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