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Moscow, July 2009


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Man liveth not by oil and gas alone

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The Contest organizers continue to track down its winners career progress, as the main target of the Contest was prestigious job placement of its participants.



It turned out that oil and gas high schools graduates are interested not only in their major.  One of “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas” candidates for winning, Rashid Ulvi Oktai, a graduate of Azerbaijan Oil Academy, has got the post in one the biggest audit company, Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PWC).
It’s not a surprise, because PWC was one of the Contest partners and expressed desire to employ the most promising participants.
It also should be noted that the company makes auditing for the Russian leading oil and gas companies, like Gazprom. Employing the specialist in this industry gives the company an opportunity to develop one of its areas of activity.
You have the chance to try hand at getting a post in the most prominent companies in the world. In order to do this, you should just take part in “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas 2009” Contest.


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