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Moscow, July 2009


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Oleg Ponomarev: “A lofty aim was laid out and the standard must be maintained”

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A new year starts in the unique project “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”. That has made us look at our previous work by our experts’ eyes.



According to their responses the contest was undoubtedly a success and is worth to be continued on the same level.
We managed to find out the opinion of Oleg Ponomarev, the head of Youth Policy Committee in KhMAO-Ugra. He said that the first contest was a real triumph. He mentioned that everything was elaborately organized and wished that it will be even more developed next time. He also remarked that a lofty aim of “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2008” will definitely attract new participants and experts, that’s why it is very important to maintain the standard.
“In order to attract more and more participants and experts with greater status, Neftegaz.RU should keep the quality of the event”.


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