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Moscow, July 2009


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Scientific Research by Astrakhan Students Is Inspired by the Contest

Astrakhan State Technical University Draw Out 10 Students to take part in Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009


Golden Reserve in Kazan

Kazan State Technical University will take part in the Contest.


New Participants Have Appeared

North Caucasian State Technical University confirmed that it is going to take part in "Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009".


"GR of Oil and Gas 2009" Expert Council Expands

Tomsk Politechnical University (TPU) gave thanks to the Steering Committee for the Contest 2008.


Legendary university of oil and gas joines the Contest


Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin will take part in Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009. There will be more students of this university among the Contest participants. They are expected to apply for every Contest category.


Familiar faces on “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas” pages


It is really curious to see if the universities, which took part in the Contest earlier, would take advantage of their previous year experience to help their students win.



Ural students will take part in the Contest


The presidentship of the Ural state University of Mines, in person of Mr. Nikolai Kosarev, has confirmed its students’ participation.
The best students of the “Oil and gas geology” faculty  will soon appear among the participants.


Congratulations to Mr. Martynov, the new elected president of Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin


The new president of Russian State University of Oil and Gas was elected at the meeting of its teaching and science workers and students.



Novatek is astonished by “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas” participants’ education level


Despite the new contest has already started the previous year “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas 2008” still receives enthusiastic response.


Julia Chukarina – Yuri Gagarin of “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009”


Like the first man in space or the first man on the Moon, the first participant of “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009” has recently registered.


“Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas” gathers old friends


New “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas” contest will not only discover new names for the Russian energy industry, but it also will be a gathering of old friends.



Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas 2009 Accrues Siberia


Geology and Oil & Gas Industry Institute of Tomsk Polytechnik University will present its graduates in such contest categories as “Geological Survey”, “Designing, Construction and Operation” “Oil and Gas Production” and “Ecology”.
All the younger contest participants are engaged in science research and their future activity is to be bind with it.


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