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Moscow, July 2009


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Novatek is astonished by “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas” participants’ education level

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Despite the new contest has already started the previous year “Golden Reserve of Oil & Gas 2008” still receives enthusiastic response.


We are really pleased with the positive feed-back, it proves that we are on the beam. Novatek has sent a letter to the Contest organizers, it says that some of the Contest results strongly impress. For example, it is amazing that some of the best oil & gas high schools students have two majors, including the extra one in allied trade or in economics and management.
Besides during the on-job training the students get the certificate of technical specialist. All the students have a great advantage – most of them fluently speak several foreign languages.
Novatek company pointed out that most of the participants can be easily recommended for candidate’s degree. Being yet students they take part in service and science projects that are of immense importance in practical usage.
Novatek also marked the highest quality of the Contest organizing and wished success in the new project implementation.


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