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Moscow, July 2009


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The Contest Primary Sponsor



The status of the Primary Sponsor will be emphasized in all the advertising and promotional materials connected with the event. . The Primary Sponsor’s brand and logo will be identified with the name of the event.


Media opportunities:
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo in the Contest adverts in press emphasizing the status
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s through banner on the main page of the Contest web-site
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo on all kinds of the Contest outdoor advertisement in the main streets in Moscow
  • Mentioning the Primary Sponsor in the Contest radio-promo, emphasizing the status
  • Providing the Primary Sponsor with an advertising space in 3 issues of Neftegaz.RU business magazine (1 page/A4)
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s banner on www.neftegaz.ru business web-site
  • Placing an interview with the Primary Sponsor’s representative in press, including Neftegaz.RU business magazine (not less than 3 publications)
  • Mentioning the Primary Sponsor in all the Contest press-releases
Event Sight Opportunities:
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo on the complimentary passes of the Contest Awarding Ceremony
  • Putting the Primary Sponsor’s representative’s speech on the event’s script
  • Giving thanks to the Primary Sponsor by the Ceremony hosts (3 times)
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s banners in the lobby with the opportunity of conducting promotions
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo on trendy Contest banners in the lobby and in the Awarding Ceremony hall
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo on the Contest brand wall
  • Demonstration of the Primary Sponsor’s presentation video on a photodiode screen and/or a plasma display panel in the Contest Awarding Ceremony (5 times)
Company Presentation Opportunities:
  • Providing the Primary Sponsor with 10 complimentary passes to the Contest Awarding Ceremony
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s logo in the Contest Official Catalogue
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s official greetings in the Contest Official Catalogue
  • Placing the Primary Sponsor’s Advert (1 page/A4) in the Contest Official Catalogue
  • Enclosure of the Primary Sponsor’s souvenir products, advertising and information leaflets in the event guests’ packages
  • Providing the Primary Sponsor’s representatives (2) the right to take part in the Contest Expert Council
* Only one company can become the Primary Sponsor

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