English Russian
Moscow, July 2009


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Alternative forms of participation






Event Sight Opportunities:

  • Decorating the place where the event will be organized with Sponsor’s flowers
Company Presentation Opportunities:
  • Placing the Official Catalogue Sponsor’s logo in the Contest Official Catalogue, “Acknowledgements” section


The Coffee Break Sponsor: RUR 110 000

Event Sight Opportunities:
  • Providing Coffee Machine for Contest Awarding Ceremony guests
  • Demonstration of the Coffee Break Sponsor’s presentation video on a plasma display panel in the Contest Awarding hall
Company Presentation Opportunities:
  • Placing the Coffee Break Sponsor’s logo in the Contest Official Catalogue, “Acknowledgements” section


Advertising Materials Enclosure

Distributing the advertising materials at the event’s spot will help to approach your potential clients, giving them all the necessary information about your company.
1. Enclosure of your Company’s materials in the participants’ packages
2. Placing your Company’s materials in the Awarding Ceremony lobby



Advertisement in the Contest Official Catalogue: RUR 74 000

The information about all the Contest participants will be published in the Contest Information Brochure. Placing your advert in the brochure you can be sure that it will be available for every guest.
Advertisement page (1/A4) published in the Contest Official Catalogue
Banner in the Contest Awarding Ceremony lobby: RUR 74 000
Distribution of promotional materials (one free pass for a promoter): RUR 37 000
You can distribute your promotional materials during the Ceremony in order to increase coverage of the target audience.
The organizer can provide your company with one free pass for a promotional person to  distribute material during the Ceremony.
* The organizer reserves the right to limit the number of the companies, able to order this service.


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