English Russian
Moscow, July 2009


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The Welcome Cocktail Sponsor


 Among the Ceremony guests there will be the representatives of the state authorities, oil and gas companies’ top managers and representatives of the Russia’s business and artistic elite. The welcome cocktail sponsorship will help to attract attention and raise loyalty of the Ceremony guests to your brand.


Media opportunities:

  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo in the Contest adverts in press emphasizing the status
  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo on the Contest web-site www.gr.neftegaz.ru with an active hyperlink to the Sponsor’s Web site
  • Media publications about the Contest and the Awarding Ceremony mentioning the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor
Event Sight Opportunities:
  • Mentioning the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor in the texts of Ceremony’s hosts
  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s banner in the Contest ceremony lobby
  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo on trendy Contest banners in the lobby and in the Awarding Ceremony hall
  • Demonstration of the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s presentation video on a plasma display panel in the Contest Awarding lobby
  • Placing Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s flags on the tables in the Contest Ceremony lobby
  • Providing hostess, meeting guests, with an official uniform marked with Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo
  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo on complimentary passes to the Awarding Ceremony
  • Placing the Welcome Cocktail Sponsor’s logo on trendy Contest banners in the lobby and in the Awarding Ceremony hall
Company Presentation Opportunities:
  • Providing the Sponsor with 3 complimentary passes to the Contest Awarding Ceremony
  • Placing the Sponsor’s logo in the Contest Official Catalogue, “Acknowledgements” section
  • Enclosure of the Sponsor’s souvenir products, advertising and information leaflets in the event guests’ packages


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Телефон отдела по работе со спонсорами проекта  (495) 705-94-13