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Moscow, July 2009


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The Contest Awarding Ceremony Decoration Sponsor



Media opportunities:
  • Placing the Decoration Sponsor’s logo on the Contest web-site www.gr.neftegaz.ru with an active hyperlink to the Sponsor’s Web site
Event Sight Opportunities:
  • Placing the Decoration Sponsor’s logo on trendy Contest banners in the lobby and in the Awarding Ceremony hall
Company Presentation Opportunities:
  • Providing the Decoration Sponsor with 2 complimentary passes to the Contest Awarding Ceremony
  • Placing the Decoration Sponsor’s logo in the Contest Official Catalogue, “Acknowledgements” section
  • Enclosure of the Decoration Sponsor’s advertising and information leaflets in the event guests’ packages

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Телефон отдела по работе с участниками проекта  (495) 650-14-82

Телефон отдела по работе со спонсорами проекта  (495) 705-94-13