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Moscow, July 2009


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The Contest Official Statement



  1. To contribute in providing oil and gas industry with young efficient employees
  2. To improve the communication between high schools and oil and gas companies
  3. To provide the best oil and gas universities graduates with worthful jobs in the corresponding industry
  4. To contribute in implementation of Russian Federation National Education Project
  1. Creating an effective communication scheme for oil and gas high schools and companies
  2. Creating an effective communication scheme for young qualified employees and oil and gas industry employers
  3. Creating the basis for effective communication between oil and gas companies, high schools, state authorities; developing contacts and partnerships
  4. Attracting mass audiences interest to the problem of oil and gas industry employees training in Russia
  5. Consolidation of leading oil and gas high schools’ students
  6. Presenting Russian students’ achievements on state and international level
  7. Developing loyalty to higher education in oil and gas industry and occupation in corresponding companies
  8. Refining education by means of students’ motivation in the circumstances of competition
  9. Monitoring contest winners’ job progress
  10. Applying the contest experience nationally
1. Contest Founders and Supporters:
The project is supported by:
Leading Oil and Gas High schools: Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin, International School of Energy Policy and Diplomacy of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (Ministry of International Affairs), Azerbaijan state Oil and Gas Academy, Astrakhan State Technical University, Atyrau Institute of Oil and Gas, Voronezh State Technical University, Arkhangelsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk State University, Perm Technical University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tumen State University of Oil and Gas, Ufa State Technical University of Oil, Ukhta State Technical University, Ugra State University, Groznyy Sate Oil University, Kazan State Technological University, Kuban State Technological University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN), Samara State Technical University, North Caucasus Technical University, Ural State University of Mines, South Kazakhstan State University named after Auezov, Irkutsk State Technical University and others.
Invited to work on the project:
Russian State Authorities: Minister of Energy Shmatko S.I., Minister of Education Fursenko A.A., Minister of Natural Resources Trutnev Yu.P., Khanty Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Ugra Governor Philipenko A.V., Ymalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Governor Neyolov Yu.V., State Duma Education and Science Committee, State Duma Natural Resources and Nature Management Committee.
Oil and Gas Industry Companies: Gazprom (Miller A.), LUKoil (Alekperov V.), Rosnet (Bogdanchikov S.), Surgutneftegaz (Bogdanov V.), Transneft (Tokarev N.), Gazpromneft (Dyukov A.), Shell (Finlejson K.), Stastoil (Maro K.), Shlumberger (Goolde E.), Total (Nergaryan P.)
Media Partners: “Interfax”, NTV, “Exprt”, Gazeta.RU, Rambler Media Group, “Trud”, etc.
Event organization: “Neftegaz.RU” Information Agency
2. Contest Official Bodies:
2.1 The Presidium
The Presidium is the superior body of the contest “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas”. It acts according to the Presidium Statement
2.2 The Expert Council
Expert Council evaluates the Contest participants. It act according to the Expert Council Statement
2.3. The Steering Committee
The steering committee operates the whole event, it is accountable to the Presidium
3. The Participants
The candidates to participate in “Golden Reserve of Oil and Gas 2009” can be high school graduates from Russia, CIS and foreign countries, specializing in oil and gas industry.
Natural persons, business, state and social organizations that have achievements in oil and gas industry are nominated to the “Contribution to Education” Contest category.
The candidate can be recommended by
    • the high school
    • oneself
    • by the Steering Committee for the “Contribution to Education” Contest category.
4. The candidates to winning appointment. The Contest categories. The Contest Awarding Ceremony
4.1. The candidates to winning of the Contest are appointed by the Expert Council and Approved by the Presidium in the following categories:
Main categories:
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Geological Survey.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Oil and Gas Production.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Design, Construction and Operating of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storages.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Oil Refining.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Oil and Gas Industry Equipment and Automatization.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Ecology.
“The best high school graduate 2009”. Economics, Finance and Management.
“The best high school graduate 2009”.
Special categories:
“Public Activity”, The Presidium Prize
“Scientific Research”, The Expert Council Prize
“Audience Vote”,
4.2. The winners of the “Contribution to Education” are appointed by the Steering Committee and approved by the Presidium. The winners are awarded in the following spheres:
- “Science and Education”
- “State Administration”
- “Culture and Art”
- “Business”
The Contest results announcement and awarding take place at the Contest Awarding Ceremony.
4.3 The winners of the Contest have the right to use the Contest logo for their own advertising.
5. The Rules of the Contest conducting
5.1. The Contest is divided into 3 stages:
1) Registration and open vote on the Contest web-site, the ratings are revealed monthly
2) The Expert Council and The Steering Committee appoint the candidates
3) The Presidium approves the winners, the Contest Awarding Ceremony is held
5.2. In order to evaluate the candidates the Contest organizes create the Expert Council. The Steering Committee approves the dates, terms and conditions of registration, the order of carrying out the preliminaries and the finals. The Steering Committee Decisions are obligatory for all the participants.
5.3    The Contest participation is free of charge.
6. The Calendar
October 2008 – start of registration
October 2008 – June 2009 – the 1st stage, the Contest procedures are held
June 2009 – the 2nd stage, the Expert Council appoints the candidates to winning
July 2009 – the 3rd stage, The Presidium Meeting, the Contest Awarding Ceremony
7. Location
The Contest Awarding Ceremony is held in Moscow
As an exception, The Contest Presidium may approve another location (the main city of one the Russian regions) of the Contest Awarding Ceremony.

8. Financing
All the expenses for the Contest implementation are of non-budget nature, raised from sponsorship and other ways of financial aid.

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