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Moscow, July 2009


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Who is to work in Tatneft?

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We have already mentioned that Russian oil and gas majors show a great interest to the unique project of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008”. Tatneft has become another company to queue along with Rosneft and Gazprom for the competition finalists’ employment.
The company is famous for a social responsibility for its employees.


In a letter addressed to a competition organizers it is said that the company supports the project and is ready to consider the CVs of the finalists. From our point of view especially this offer must stimulate the participants from the Ufa State Oil Technical University – a great work is not far from home.

Our reference:


Tatneft is one of the major oil companies in Russia.

One of the main company activities is accomplished on the territory of Russian Federation. The company is an holding structure that includes gas and oil producing structures, oil and gas processing, petrochemical enterprises, businesses and service manufactures, selling oil, products of oil and gas processing, and petrochemistry.

Besides the company is has its hand in an insurance and banking fields.  There are licenses for 77 deposits granted to the company. Romashkinskoye deposit is one of the largest in the world.

At the same time Tatneft has a share in a capital and takes part in management of certain leading petrochemical enterprises of Tatarstan Republic. Realizing a project of stabilization and resources replacement, the company develops business projects outside of the Republic, as in the Russian Federation, as in the far and near abroad, strengthening resources and oil processing base, and enlarging market channels. The company produces makes more that 25mn tones of oil annually, gas – more that 700mn tones of cubic meters.    

One of the company main priorities is protection of the environment and providing production and industrial safety. The perfection and development of new methods of oil production are the important components of the Tatneft company activities. The development of advanced high technologies and increasing of volumes and types of providing high technological production services strengths the innovational potential of the Tatneft company, and provides one of the most significant competitive advantages of the company in the field.

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