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Moscow, July 2009


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The biggest Gazprom subsidiary awaits for “Gold reserve” finalists

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The participants and companies which consider the competition participants as their possible “future” gradually join the “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project. Right after a number of Russian and CIS oil and gas companies joined the project one of the major Gazprom subsidiaries “Gazprom production Yamburg“ confirmed its participation as well.


In a message addressed to the project organizers it is said that the company is ready to consider the documents of finalists. Isn’t that a good incentive for continuing the competition?

Our reference:

OOO Yamburggazdobycha is a leader amid Gazprom companies. The company is quite stable at holding the rates of gas production. There were 194 billion cubic meters of gas produced in 2002, the volume growth made up 21 billion cubic meters, 27 billion in 2003 and 20 billion cubic meters in 2004. There were over 238 billion cubic meters of gas produced in 2005.   OOO Yamburggazdobycha extracts out subsurface every second in the Gazprom production structure (around 44%) and every third cubic meter of gas in Russia (around 38%)  that  come into a single national gas transmission net. The body possesses the biggest current gas stocks. OOO Yamburggazdobycha has 15% of explored Russian gas resources and 52% of proved and developed deposits in the north of Tyumenskaya Oblast.

The total initial hydrocarbon raw materials stocks made up 10 trillions cubic meters of gas, 240 million tones of a gas condensate and 370 million tones of oil. The sizes of capital investments of Yamburggazdobycha grow every year. In 2006, as expected, they are to make up 40 billion rubles. OOO Yamburggazdobycha owns licenses for developing three biggest deposits: nowadays the company consists of two subdivisions providing a production of hydrocarbon materials.

It is an oil-and-gas production department. The gas preparation for transmission is accomplished by 15 plants of complex and preliminary gas preparation. There are 15 manufactories of booster compressor stations of first and second order exploited at Yamburg deposit. There are around 2000 gas and gas condensate wells altogether in possession of Yamburggazdobycha. A total length of exploited gas-flow lines makes up more than 2000 km.

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