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Moscow, July 2009


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A coryphaeus of a world science agreed to join the Presidium

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The organizers of the competition of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” are pleased to inform that Nickolay Pavlovich Laverov, one of the leaders of Russian science, has agreed to join the Presidium of the competition.

Personally and on behalf of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS) he supported the conducting competition. Taking into consideration the authority of the Academy, science elaborations of young participants may become interesting for academicians as an index of students potential.

Our reference:

Nickolay Pavlovich Laverov

He was born on January 12, 1930, in the Pozhariche village (at the moment Archangelskaya Oblast). A specialist in a field of geology, developing theoretical problems in forming uranium deposits, forecasts, exploration and developing of new sources of atomic raw materials. Corresponding member of RAS, geological, geophysics, geochemistry (mining science, development of solid minerals) departments since March 15, 1979, academician of geological, geophysical, geochemical and mining science departments (mining geology) since December 23 , 1987, a vice-president since October 20, 1987. The vice-president of RAS. Currently a member of geological, geochemical, geophysical and mining science departments of RAS.
He was the one to lay the foundation of a new science trend – historical metallogeny. He was the founder of the idea of generation and development of uranium-bearing provinces that allowed for the first time in the world practice to state principal criterions of uranium deposits search in continental paleovolcanic areas. Academically coordinated the activity of expeditions, geological activities, mining and metallurgical integrated works, occupied in the field of searching, exploration and refining raw material containing uranium. Under his leadership and direct contribution there were created new technologies of uranium deposits development by a method of an underground leaching.  He is an author of fundamental works at economics of mineral raw materials, a leader in creating a stockpile tracking system of mineral resources in the country.

He brought a substantial contribution in development of national science, prepared qualified employees, saved the potential of institutes through the reforms of 1990s. He is one of the leaders of the ecological movements in Russia, gradually fights for the priority of ecological safety when there are large-scale present-day production conducted. An organizer and a leader of an international cooperation of Russian scientists in a field of science regarding Earth, ecology and conservancy of nature. The author of numerous monographs, scientific methods for academies, including those published in other countries.

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