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Moscow, July 2009


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“Gazprom Transgas Yugorsk” would like to participate in “Gold reserve of oil and gas

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Shortly after we let you know about Gazprom subsidiaries’ interest to the gathering pace project “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” the project organizers received a letter from Gazprom Transgas Yugorsk (renamed Tyumentransgas).

The company totally supports an initiative of conducting an annual competition witch emphasizes once more that major players of fuel and energy industry in Russia will be annually watching its the results. Gazprom subsidiary wishes to take part in “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project.

Our reference:    

OOO Tyumentransgas delivers natural gas through main gas pipelines, its subterranean storage, its transportation to the customers, engineering, conducting an expertise, construction, technical supervision for quality, pre commissioning works of gas pipelines and objects of gas transportation, objects of gas facilities and other objects of gas supply, objects of housing and objects of social and cultural life, production supply with technical connection and automated control systems, automobile and railway transportation of passengers and cargo. Gas transmission system transports 1.3 billion cubic meters of natural gas daily. 80% of a totally produced gas in Russia is transported through gas pipelines served by the Tyumentransgas.

A total length of Tyumentransgas gas pipelines makes more than 26 thousand km. A total capacity of 1170 gas compressor units makes 14.5 thousand megawatt (could be compared with 10 biggest power stations). OOO Tyumentransgas serves 209 compressor sections.

Tyumentransgas is a socially responsible enterprise. Creating comfortable conditions for employees guarantees a success to an enterprise. For this purpose Tyumentransgas builds schools, hospitals, fitness centers, sport complex “Yubileyny” in Yugorsk. More than 13 thousand Tyumentransgas employees and their children go info 18 kinds of sports.  The enterprise operates in three constituent territories of Russian Federation: Hanty-Mansysky and Yamalo-Nanetcsky Autonomous Districts, in Sverlovskaya Oblast.

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