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Moscow, July 2009


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“Surgut-neftegas” watches the participants of “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project

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Starting from the New year new partners joined “Gold reserve of oil and gas 2008” project, that draw a greater interest to the results  of the competition in a gas and oil field.


One of the biggest national corporations in Russia “Surgur-neftegas”  decided to support the initiatives of the competition organizers. In its message addressed to a competition organizers, the company supports the aspirations of the competition for a stable supply of qualified personnel in the gas an oil field.

The participation of first rating academies of an oil/gas play, state in “Surgut-neftegas”, will complete a  realizing priority –oriented national “Education” project.

The participation of such a company means that  the competition will become well-known event among biggest oil and gas companies in Russia, wich are interested in an inflow of new employees, ideas and methods. Note that the  company is considered to be a recognized leader regarding many factors wich are taken into consideration in Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district when summarizing the results of a competition “Black gold of Ugra”, the firs-string competition of the kind in Russia.  

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